Aminet 49
Aminet 49 (2002)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2002].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
4,650 lines
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
#include <libraries/gadtools.h>
#include <libraries/iffparse.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <dos/datetime.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>
#include <clib/iffparse_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rp.h"
#define BYTESPERLINE 12 // how many bytes to print per line
#define ITEMS 255
MODULE struct
{ TEXT name[5];
ULONG bytes;
UBYTE* DataPtr;
} contents[ITEMS + 1];
#define FORMS 89
#define CD 1
#define OBSOLETE 2
#define PRIVATE 4
#define PROPOSAL 8
#define RESERVED 16
#define RKM 32
#define STANDARD 64
#define UNREGISTERED 128
#define LIST1LINES 25
#define IFFXCHARS 17
MODULE void iffquery(void);
MODULE void PrintTopChunk(void);
MODULE void readiff(void);
MODULE void tellchunk(UWORD which);
MODULE void chunkdesc(STRPTR desc, ABOOL isknown);
MODULE void binarize(UBYTE data);
MODULE void hexalize(UBYTE data);
MODULE ULONG getulong(UBYTE* start);
MODULE SLONG getslong(UBYTE* start);
MODULE ULONG getuword(UBYTE* start);
MODULE SLONG getsword(UBYTE* start);
MODULE SLONG getsbyte(UBYTE* start);
MODULE void writeiffgadgets(void);
MODULE void dotextattr(UBYTE* offset);
MODULE void docountry(UBYTE* offset);
MODULE void tellchunk(UWORD which);
/* Text error messages for possible IFFERR_#? returns from various IFF
* routines. To get the index into this array, take your IFFERR code,
* negate it, and subtract one.
* idx = -error - 1;
STRPTR errormsgs[] =
{ "End of file (not an error).",
"End of context (not an error).",
"No lexical scope.",
"Insufficient memory.",
"Stream read error.",
"Stream write error.",
"Stream seek error.",
"File is corrupt.",
"IFF syntax error.",
"Not an IFF file.",
"Required call-back hook missing.",
"Return to client. You should never see this."
// from rp.c
IMPORT ABOOL fillwindows;
IMPORT struct NewGadget Gadget;
IMPORT struct Gadget *BU99_Right,
IMPORT struct Window* MainWindowPtr;
IMPORT struct VisualInfo* VisualInfoPtr;
IMPORT ULONG fillcolour;
MODULE ABOOL known, first;
MODULE struct IFFHandle* IFFHandle = NULL;
MODULE struct List List1,
List2Nodes = FALSE;
MODULE struct Gadget *TE61_Contributor = NULL,
*CB61_CD = NULL,
*CB61_Obsolete = NULL,
*TE61_FORMDesc = NULL,
*CB61_Private = NULL,
*CB61_Proposal = NULL,
*CB61_Reserved = NULL,
*CB61_Standard = NULL,
*CB61_Unregistered = NULL,
*CB61_Raw = NULL,
*TE61_Status = NULL,
*ST61_Pathname = NULL,
*BU61_PathnameASL = NULL,
*LV61_List1 = NULL,
*LV61_List2 = NULL,
*TE61_ChunkDesc = NULL;
MODULE TEXT queryform[5] = "",
tempstring1[VLONGFIELD + 1],
MODULE ULONG items = 0, // value of this is actual number of items allocated
list1lines = 0;
MODULE UWORD selectedform = 0,
selectedchunk = 0;
AGLOBAL struct IFFStruct iff;
MODULE struct
{ UBYTE flags;
TEXT name[5];
STRPTR desc;
STRPTR contributor;
} form[FORMS + 1] =
{ STANDARD | RKM | CD, "8SVX", "EA IFF 85 8-bit sound sample form", "EA/CBM",
RKM | CD, "AIFF", "Audio 1-32 bit samples", "Apple",
RKM | CD, "ACBM", "Amiga Contiguous Bitmap", "CBM",
RKM | CD, "ANBM", "ANimated BitMap form", "EA",
RKM | CD, "ANIM", "Cel ANIMation form", "Sparta/Aegis",
PROPOSAL, "ARC ", "ARChive format", "?",
RESERVED, "ATXT", "Temporarily reserved", "?",
PRIVATE, "AVCF", "AmigaVision Flow", "CBM",
NULL, "BANK", "Soundquest Editor/Librarian MIDI Sysex dump", "?",
NULL, "BBSD", "BBS Database", "Phalanx Software",
PRIVATE, "C100", "?", "Cloanto",
STANDARD, "CAT ", "EA IFF 85 group identifier", "EA/CBM",
PROPOSAL, "CELP", "Compressed ZyXEL voice data", "?",
RESERVED, "CHBM", "Chunky bitmap", "Eric Lavitsky",
NULL, "CLIP", "CAT CLIP to hold various formats in clipboard", "CBM",
PROPOSAL | CD, "CMUS", "Common MUsical Score", "Talin (David Joiner)",
NULL, "CPFM", "Cloanto Personal FontMaker", "Cloanto",
NULL, "DCCL", "DCTV paint clip", "?",
NULL, "DCPA", "DCTV paint palette", "?",
NULL, "DCTV", "DCTV raw picture file", "?",
PRIVATE, "DECK", "Inovatronics CanDo", "Innovatronics",
CD, "DEEP", "Chunky pixel image files (used in TV Paint)", "Amiga Centre Scotland",
RKM | CD, "DR2D", "2D object standard format", "Ross Cunniff & John Orr",
RESERVED, "DRAW", "?", "Jim Bayless",
CD, "DTYP", "DataTYPes identification", "Amiga, Inc.",
PROPOSAL | CD, "EXEC", "Executable (loadseg-able) code", "Chris Ludwig",
RKM | CD, "FANT", "Fantavision movie format", "Broderbund",
OBSOLETE | PRIVATE, "FAX3", "Facsimile image", "GPSoftware",
CD, "FAXX", "Facsimile image", "Atlantis Design Group",
RESERVED, "FIGR", "Deluxe Video", "EA",
NULL, "FILM", "LIST FILM - stores ILBMs with interleaved 8SVX audio", "?",
RESERVED, "FNTR", "Raster font", "EA",
RESERVED, "FNTV", "Vector font", "EA",
STANDARD, "FORM", "Group identifier", "EA/CBM",
STANDARD | RKM, "FTXT", "Formatted TeXT", "EA/CBM",
PROPOSAL | PRIVATE, "GRYP", "Byteplane storage", "?",
RESERVED, "GSCR", "General music SCoRe", "EA",
PROPOSAL | PRIVATE, "GUI ", "User interface storage", "?",
RKM | CD, "HEAD", "Flow idea processor", "New Horizons Software",
STANDARD | RKM | CD, "ILBM", "EA IFF 85 raster bitmap form", "EA/CBM",
RESERVED, "IOBJ", "?", "Seven Seas Software",
RESERVED, "IODK", "?", "Merging Technologies",
RESERVED, "ITRF", "?", "?",
RESERVED, "JMOV", "?", "Merging Technologies",
STANDARD, "LIST", "EA IFF 85 group identifier", "EA/CBM",
RESERVED, "MFAX", "Facsimile?", "TKR GmbH & Co.",
NULL, "MIDI", "MIDI?", "Circum Design",
PRIVATE, "MSCX", "Music-X format", "?",
RESERVED, "MSMP", "Temporarily reserved", "?",
RKM | CD, "MTRX", "Numerical data storage (MathVision)", "Seven Seas Software",
NULL, "NSEQ", "Numerical sequence", "Stockhausen GmbH",
PROPOSAL | CD, "OB3D", "Standard 3D object", "?",
RKM | CD, "PGTB", "ProGram TraceBack", "SAS Institute",
RESERVED, "PICS", "Macintosh picture", "EA",
RESERVED | PROPOSAL | CD, "PMBC", "24-bit accurate images", "Black Belt Systems",
RESERVED | PRIVATE, "PREF", "User preferences data", "CBM",
STANDARD, "PROP", "Group identifier", "EA/CBM",
RKM | CD, "PRSP", "DPaint IV perspective move form", "EA",
NULL, "PTCH", "Patch file", "SAS Institute",
RESERVED, "PTXT", "Temporarily reserved", "?",
NULL, "RGB4", "4-bit RGB", "?",
RKM | CD, "RGB8", "RGB image (Turbo Silver)", "Impulse",
RKM | CD, "RGBN", "RGB image (Turbo Silver)", "Impulse",
RESERVED, "RGBX", "Temporarily reserved", "?",
PRIVATE, "ROXN", "Animation", "?",
RKM | CD, "SAMP", "SAMPled sound", "Jim Fiore & Jeff Glatt",
PRIVATE, "SC3D", "SCene format (Sculpt-3D)", "?",
PRIVATE, "SHAK", "SHAKespeare format", "?",
RESERVED | PRIVATE, "SHO1", "?", "Gary Bonham",
RESERVED | PRIVATE, "SHOW", "?", "Gary Bonham",
STANDARD | RKM, "SMUS", "Simple MUsic Score", "EA/CBM",
CD, "SPLT", "File SPLiTting system", "ASDG",
RESERVED, "SSRE", "?", "Merging Technologies",
NULL, "SYTH", "SoundQuest Master Librarian MIDI System driver", "?",
RESERVED, "TCDE", "?", "Merging Technologies",
RKM | CD, "TDDD", "3D rendering data (Turbo Silver)", "Impulse",
CD, "TMUI", "ToolMaker User Interface", "Michael Erwin",
CD, "TREE", "Arbitrary data structures as trees (or nested lists)", "Stefan Reisner",
CD | PROPOSAL, "TRKR", "TRacKeR style music module", "Full Tilt Entertainment",
RESERVED, "USCR", "Uhuru SCoRe", "EA",
RESERVED, "UVOX", "Uhuru Macintosh VOiXe", "EA",
PRIVATE, "VDEO", "Deluxe ViDEO", "EA",
RKM | CD, "WORD", "ProWrite document", "New Horizons Software",
CD, "YUVN", "For storage of Y:U:V image data", "MacroSystem"
AGLOBAL void iff1(void)
{ verynewwindow
"Report+: IFF Registry",
if (fillwindows)
{ SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 0);
RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 10, 136, 10 + 160, 136 + 204 - 1); // LV61_List1
RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 180, 136, 180 + 450, 136 + 204 - 1); // LV61_List2
RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 130, 34, 130 + 334, 34 + 12 ); // TE61_FORMDesc
RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 130, 46, 130 + 334, 46 + 12 ); // TE61_Contributor
RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 130, 58, 130 + 334, 58 + 12 ); // TE61_ChunkDesc
RectFill(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 130, 352, 130 + 350, 352 + 12 ); // TE61_Status
/* FORM ID */
setgadget(130, 22, 56, 12, "_FORM ID:", NULL);
ST61_FORMID = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTST_String, queryform,
GTST_MaxChars, 4,
GA_TabCycle, TRUE,
GA_Immediate, TRUE,
GT_Underscore, '_',
STRINGA_ReplaceMode, TRUE,
/* FORM description */
setgadget(130, 34, 334, 12, "Description:", NULL);
TE61_FORMDesc = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTTX_Text, "-",
GTTX_Border, TRUE,
/* contributor name */
setgadget(130, 46, 334, 12, "Contributor:", NULL);
TE61_Contributor = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTTX_Text, "-",
GTTX_Border, TRUE,
/* chunk description */
setgadget(130, 58, 334, 12, "Chunk info:", NULL);
TE61_ChunkDesc = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTTX_Text, "-",
GTTX_Border, TRUE,
/* flags */
setgadget(596, 46, 0, 0, "Obsolete:", NULL);
CB61_Obsolete = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.obsolete,
setgadget(596, 58, 0, 0, "Private:", NULL);
CB61_Private = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.private,
setgadget(596, 70, 0, 0, "Proposal:", NULL);
CB61_Proposal = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.proposal,
setgadget(596, 82, 0, 0, "Reserved:", NULL);
CB61_Reserved = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.reserved,
setgadget(596, 94, 0, 0, "Standard:", NULL);
CB61_Standard = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.standard,
setgadget(596, 106, 0, 0, "Unregistered:", NULL);
CB61_Unregistered = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.unregistered,
setgadget(596, 364, 0, 0, "RKM:", NULL);
CB61_RKM = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.rkm,
setgadget(596, 376, 0, 0, "ADCD 2.1:", NULL);
CB61_CD = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GA_Disabled, TRUE,
GTCB_Checked, iff.cd,
setgadget( 10, 136, 160, 204, "Chunks:", NULL);
LV61_List1 = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTLV_Labels, NULL,
GTLV_ShowSelected, NULL,
setgadget(180, 136, 450, 204, "Chunk contents:", NULL);
LV61_List2 = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTLV_Labels, NULL,
/* status */
setgadget(130, 352, 350, 12, "Status:", NULL);
TE61_Status = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTTX_Text, "Ready.",
GTTX_Border, TRUE,
/* pathname */
setgadget(130, 364, 320, 12, "_Pathname:", NULL);
ST61_Pathname = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTST_String, iff.pathname,
GA_TabCycle, TRUE,
GA_Immediate, TRUE,
GT_Underscore, '_',
/* pathname... */
setgadget(452, 364, 28, 12, "_...", NULL);
BU61_PathnameASL = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GT_Underscore, '_',
setgadget(130, 82, 0, 0, "_Raw view only?", PLACETEXT_RIGHT);
CB61_Raw = PrevGadPtr = (struct Gadget *) CreateGadget
GTCB_Checked, iff.raw,
GT_Underscore, '_',
drawgadgets((UWORD) ~0);
SetDrMd(MainWindowPtr->RPort, JAM2);
SetAPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, BLACK);
if (fillwindows)
{ getfillcolour();
SetBPen(MainWindowPtr->RPort, fillcolour);
DrawBevelBox(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 474, 34, 156, 18 + (12 * 6), GT_VisualInfo, VisualInfoPtr, GTBB_Recessed, TRUE, TAG_END);
Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 474 + (156 / 2) - ((15 * FONTX) / 2), 34 + (FONTY / 2) - 1);
Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, "Official Status", 15);
DrawBevelBox(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 490, 352, 140, 18 + (12 * 2), GT_VisualInfo, VisualInfoPtr, GTBB_Recessed, TRUE, TAG_END);
Move(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 560 - ((13 * FONTX) / 2), 352 + (FONTY / 2) - 1);
Text(MainWindowPtr->RPort, "Documentation", 13);
if (iff.pathname[0])
{ readiff();
} elif (queryform[0])
{ iffquery();
ActivateGadget(ST61_Pathname, MainWindowPtr, NULL);
( queryform,
((struct StringInfo *) ST61_FORMID->SpecialInfo)->Buffer
( iff.pathname,
((struct StringInfo *) ST61_Pathname->SpecialInfo)->Buffer
AGLOBAL void iff_loop(ULONG class, struct Gadget* addr, UWORD code, UWORD qual)
{ if (class == IDCMP_RAWKEY)
{ if (code == SCAN_UP)
{ GT_SetGadgetAttrs
( LV61_List1,
GTLV_Top, 0,
} elif (code == SCAN_DOWN)
{ if (list1lines > LIST1LINES)
{ GT_SetGadgetAttrs
( LV61_List1,
GTLV_Top, list1lines - LIST1LINES,
} } } }
elif (class == IDCMP_VANILLAKEY)
{ code = toupper(code);
if (code == ESCAPE)
page = 0;
elif (code == 'F')
ActivateGadget(ST61_FORMID, MainWindowPtr, NULL);
elif (code == 'P')
ActivateGadget(ST61_Pathname, MainWindowPtr, NULL);
elif (code == 'R')
{ if (iff.raw)
{ iff.raw = FALSE;
} else iff.raw = TRUE;
( CB61_Raw,
GTCB_Checked, iff.raw,
if (selectedchunk && known)
{ tellchunk(selectedchunk);
} }
elif (code == '.')
{ if (asl("~(#?.info)"))
{ strcpy(iff.pathname, aslresult);
( ST61_Pathname,
GTST_String, iff.pathname,
} } }
elif (class == IDCMP_GADGETUP)
{ /* IDCMP_GADGETUP is sent by the string gadget
when the user presses RETURN, ENTER, Help, Tab
or Shift-Tab inside the string gadget. */
if (addr == BU99_Right)
page = 0;
elif (addr == CB61_Raw)
{ if (CB61_Raw->Flags & GFLG_SELECTED)
{ iff.raw = TRUE;
} else iff.raw = FALSE;
( CB61_Raw,
MainWindowPtr, NULL,
GTCB_Checked, iff.raw,
if (selectedchunk && known)
{ tellchunk(selectedchunk);
} }
elif (addr == ST61_Pathname)
{ strcpy
( iff.pathname,
((struct StringInfo *) ST61_Pathname->SpecialInfo)->Buffer
} elif (addr == ST61_FORMID)
{ strcpy
( queryform,
((struct StringInfo *) ST61_FORMID->SpecialInfo)->Buffer
iff.pathname[0] = 0;
( ST61_Pathname,
GTST_String, iff.pathname,
( TE61_Status,
GTTX_Text, "Ready.",
} elif (addr == BU61_PathnameASL)
{ if (asl("~(#?.info)"))
{ strcpy(iff.pathname, aslresult);
( ST61_Pathname,
GTST_String, iff.pathname,
} }
elif (addr == LV61_List1)
{ selectedchunk = code + 1;
} } }
MODULE void iffquery(void)
{ ULONG i;
/* Make any corrections to input now, to make it
easier to search the database. */
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
if (queryform[i] >= 97 && queryform[i] <= 122)
queryform[i] -= 32;
elif (queryform[i] == 0)
queryform[i] = ' ';
queryform[4] = 0;
GTTX_Text, queryform,
selectedform = (UWORD) -1;
for (i = 0; i <= FORMS; i++)
( queryform[0] == form[i].name[0]
&& queryform[1] == form[i].name[1]
&& queryform[2] == form[i].name[2]
&& queryform[3] == form[i].name[3]
{ selectedform = i;
selectedchunk = 0;
if (selectedform == (UWORD) -1)
{ iff.cd =
iff.rkm =
iff.private =
iff.proposal =
iff.obsolete =
iff.reserved =
iff.standard =
iff.unregistered = FALSE;
( TE61_FORMDesc,
GTTX_Text, "-",
( TE61_Contributor,
GTTX_Text, "-",
} else
{ iff.cd = form[selectedform].flags & CD;
iff.rkm = form[selectedform].flags & RKM;
iff.private = form[selectedform].flags & PRIVATE;
iff.proposal = form[selectedform].flags & PROPOSAL;
iff.obsolete = form[selectedform].flags & OBSOLETE;
iff.reserved = form[selectedform].flags & RESERVED;
iff.standard = form[selectedform].flags & STANDARD;
iff.unregistered = form[selectedform].flags & UNREGISTERED;
( TE61_FORMDesc,
GTTX_Text, form[selectedform].desc,
( TE61_Contributor,
GTTX_Text, form[selectedform].contributor,
( LV61_List1,
GTLV_Labels, (UWORD) ~0,
if (List1Nodes)
{ FreeNameNodes(&List1);
List1Nodes = FALSE;
( LV61_List1,
GTLV_Labels, &List1,
GTLV_Selected, (UWORD) ~0,
( LV61_List2,
GTLV_Labels, (UWORD) ~0,
if (List2Nodes)
{ FreeNameNodes(&List2);
List2Nodes = FALSE;
( LV61_List2,
GTLV_Labels, &List2,
GTLV_Selected, (UWORD) ~0,
for (i = 0; i < items; i++)
{ if (contents[i].DataPtr)
{ FreeMem(contents[i].DataPtr, contents[i].bytes);
contents[i].DataPtr = NULL;
} }
items = 0;
MODULE void readiff(void)
{ LONG error;
list1lines = 0;
/* Allocate IFF_File structure. */
if (!(IFFHandle = AllocIFF()))
{ DisplayBeep(NULL);
( TE61_Status,
GTTX_Text, "AllocIFF() failed!",
goto bye;
first = TRUE;
/* Set up IFF_File for AmigaDOS I/O. */
if (!(IFFHandle->iff_Stream = Open(iff.pathname, MODE_OLDFILE)))
{ DisplayBeep(NULL);
( TE61_Status,
GTTX_Text, "Can't open file!",
( TE61_FORMDesc,
GTTX_Text, "-",
( TE61_Contributor,
GTTX_Text, "-",
queryform[0] = 0;
iff.obsolete =
iff.private =
iff.proposal =
iff.reserved =
iff.standard =
iff.unregistered =
iff.rkm =
iff.cd = FALSE;
goto bye;
/* Start the IFF transaction. */
if (error = OpenIFF(IFFHandle, IFFF_READ))
{ DisplayBeep(NULL);
( TE61_Status,
GTTX_Text, "OpenIFF() failed!",
goto bye;
while (1)
{ /* IFFPARSE_RAWSTEP permits us to have precision monitoring of the
* parsing process, which is necessary if we wish to print the
* structure of an IFF file.
* ParseIFF() with _RAWSTEP will return the following things for
* the following reasons:
* Return code: Reason:
* 0 Entered new context.
* IFFERR_EOC About to leave a context.
* IFFERR_EOF Encountered end-of-file.
* <anything else> A parsing error.
error = ParseIFF(IFFHandle, IFFPARSE_RAWSTEP);
* Since we're only interested in when we enter a context, we
* "discard" end-of-context (_EOC) events.
if (error == IFFERR_EOC)
elif (error)
{ // Leave the loop if there is any other error.
/* If we get here, error was zero. Print out the current state of
* affairs. */
/* If error was IFFERR_EOF, then the parser encountered the end of
* the file without problems. Otherwise, we print a diagnostic.
if (error == IFFERR_EOF)
{ GT_SetGadgetAttrs
( TE61_Status,
GTTX_Text, "Done.",
( LV61_List1,
GTLV_Labels, &List1,
GTLV_Selected, (UWORD) ~0,
} else
{ GT_SetGadgetAttrs
( TE61_Status,
GTTX_Text, errormsgs[-error - 1],
( LV61_List1,
GTLV_Labels, NULL,
if (IFFHandle)
{ /* Terminate the IFF transaction with the stream. Free all
* associated structures. */
// Close the stream itself.
if (IFFHandle->iff_Stream)
{ Close(IFFHandle->iff_Stream);
// Free the IFF_File structure itself.
IFFHandle = NULL;
} }
AGLOBAL void iff_exit(void)
{ ULONG i;
if (IFFHandle)
{ /* Terminate the IFF transaction with the stream. Free all
* associated structures. */
// Close the stream itself.
if (IFFHandle->iff_Stream)
{ Close(IFFHandle->iff_Stream);
// Free the IFF_File structure itself.
IFFHandle = NULL;
if (List2Nodes)
{ FreeNameNodes(&List2);
List2Nodes = FALSE;
if (List1Nodes)
{ FreeNameNodes(&List1);
List1Nodes = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < items; i++)
{ if (contents[i].DataPtr)
{ FreeMem(contents[i].DataPtr, contents[i].bytes);
contents[i].DataPtr = NULL;
} }
items = 0;
MODULE void PrintTopChunk(void)
{ struct ContextNode* top;
short i;
char idbuf[5];
ULONG length;
/* Get a pointer to the context node describing the current context. */
if (!(top = CurrentChunk(IFFHandle)))
/* Print spaces equivalent to the current nesting depth of chunks
* processed so far.
* This will cause nested chunks to be printed out indented. */
tempstring1[0] = 0;
if (IFFHandle->iff_Depth > 2)
{ for (i = IFFHandle->iff_Depth - 2; i--; )
strcat(tempstring1, " ");
strcpy(contents[items].name, IDtoStr(top->cn_ID, idbuf));
contents[items].DataPtr = NULL;
/* Print out the current chunk's ID and size. */
strcat(tempstring1, IDtoStr(top->cn_ID, idbuf));
stcl_d(tempstring2, top->cn_Size);
length = IFFXCHARS - strlen(tempstring1) - strlen(tempstring2);
for (i = 1; i <= length; i++)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " ");
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
/* Print the current chunk's type, with a newline. */
AddNameToTail(&List1, tempstring1);
List1Nodes = TRUE;
if (!strcmp(IDtoStr(top->cn_ID, idbuf), "FORM"))
{ if (first)
{ first = FALSE;
strcpy(queryform, IDtoStr(top->cn_Type, idbuf));
} }
{ contents[items].bytes = top->cn_Size;
if (!(contents[items].DataPtr = AllocMem(contents[items].bytes, MEMF_CLEAR)))
{ rq("Out of memory!");
if (ReadChunkBytes(IFFHandle, contents[items].DataPtr, contents[items].bytes) < 0)
{ rq("ReadChunkBytes() failed!");
} }
if (items > ITEMS)
{ rq("Too many chunks!");
} }
MODULE void tellchunk(UWORD which)
{ SLONG svalue;
ULONG i, j, uvalue, length, markers, currentpos;
struct DateTime DateTime;
if (which == (UWORD) ~0)
{ return;
( LV61_List2,
GTLV_Labels, (UWORD) ~0,
if (List2Nodes)
{ FreeNameNodes(&List2);
List2Nodes = FALSE;
known = FALSE;
List2Nodes = TRUE;
/* Although it is possible that this function will return with an
empty List2, remember that it is harmless to call FreeNameNodes on
a valid, empty List (ie. one which has had NewList() called). */
if (!stricmp(contents[which].name, "FORM"))
{ chunkdesc("-", TRUE);
} elif (!stricmp(contents[which].name, "(c) "))
{ chunkdesc("© Copyright", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "© Copyright: ");
strcat(tempstring1, contents[which].DataPtr);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!stricmp(contents[which].name, "AUTH"))
{ chunkdesc("Author", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Author: ");
strcat(tempstring1, contents[which].DataPtr);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!stricmp(contents[which].name, "ANNO"))
{ chunkdesc("Annotation", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Annotation: ");
strcat(tempstring1, contents[which].DataPtr);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!stricmp(contents[which].name, "NAME"))
{ chunkdesc("Name", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, contents[which].DataPtr);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!stricmp(contents[which].name, "FVER"))
{ chunkdesc("AmigaDOS version string", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Version: ");
// bytes 0-5 are "$VER: "
strcat(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[6]);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
( (!stricmp(queryform, "FTXT") || !stricmp(queryform, "WORD"))
&& !stricmp(contents[which].name, "FSCC")
{ chunkdesc("Font/style/colour change", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Location: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Font number: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[2]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Style:");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Underlined? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[3] & 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Bold? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[3] & 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Italic? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[3] & 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Extended? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[3] & 8)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " ColourFont? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[3] & 64)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Tagged? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[3] & 128)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Miscellaneous style: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[4] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "None");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[4] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Superscript");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[4] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Subscript");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Colour: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[5]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "FTXT"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "FONS"))
{ chunkdesc("Font specifier", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "ID number: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[0]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (contents[which].DataPtr[0] > 9)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (invalid)");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// Next is a pad byte ([1]).
strcpy(tempstring1, "Proportional? ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[2];
if (uvalue == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Unknown");
} elif (uvalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} elif (uvalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?"); // not the same as `Unknown', of course!
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Serifs? ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[3];
if (uvalue == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Unknown");
} elif (uvalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} elif (uvalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?"); // not the same as `Unknown', of course!
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Font name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &(contents[which].DataPtr[4]));
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "CHRS"))
{ chunkdesc("Stream of text", FALSE);
} }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "PREF"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "ICTL"))
{ chunkdesc("IControl preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Verify timeout: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Meta drag mouse event: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[18]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Flags:");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
strcpy(tempstring1, " Coerce colours? ");
if (uvalue & 1) // ICF_COERCE_COLORS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Coerce interlace? ");
if (uvalue & 2) // ICF_COERCE_LACE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " String gadget filter? ");
if (uvalue & 4) // ICF_STRGAD_FILTER
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Menu snap? ");
if (uvalue & 8) // ICF_MENUSNAP
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Mode promotion? ");
if (uvalue & 16) // ICF_MODEPROMOTE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Square ratio? "); // this one is new for OS3.9
if (uvalue & 32) // ICF_SQUARE_RATIO
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Command keys:");
strcat(tempstring1, " Workbench to front: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[24]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Front screen to back: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[25]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Requester TRUE: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[26]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Requester FALSE: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[27]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "SERL"))
{ chunkdesc("Serial preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Unit 0 mapping: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[12]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Baud rate: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " bps");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Input buffer size: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (uvalue > 65536)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Output buffer size: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[24]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (uvalue > 65536)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Input handshaking: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[28] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (XON)"); // HSHAKE_XON
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[28] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (RTS)"); // HSHAKE_RTS
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[28] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (None)"); // HSHAKE_NONE
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Output handshaking: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[29] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (XON)"); // HSHAKE_XON
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[29] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (RTS)"); // HSHAKE_RTS
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[29] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (None)"); // HSHAKE_NONE
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Parity: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[30] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (None)"); // PARITY_NONE
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[30] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (Even)"); // PARITY_EVEN
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[30] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (Odd)"); // PARITY_ODD
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[30] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (Mark)"); // PARITY_MARK
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[30] == 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (Space)"); // PARITY_SPACE
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "I/O bits per character: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[31]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Stop bits: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[32]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "ASL "))
{ chunkdesc("ASL preferences", TRUE);
// 16 reserved bytes at start
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Sort by: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[16] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (name)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[16] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (date)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[16] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (size)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Sort drawers: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[17] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (first)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[17] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (mix)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[17] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (last)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Sort order: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[18] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (ascending)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[18] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (descending)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Override? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[19] & 64)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Relative? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[19] & 16)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Position: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[19] % 16 == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (default)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[19] % 16 == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (center in window)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[19] % 16 == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (center on screen)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[19] % 16 == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (top left of window)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[19] % 16 == 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (top left of screen)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[19] % 16 == 5)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "5 (mouse pointer)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Left edge: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Top edge: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[22]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Relative width: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[24]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (contents[which].DataPtr[24] < 25 || contents[which].DataPtr[24] > 100)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
strcat(tempstring1, "%");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Relative height: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[25]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (contents[which].DataPtr[25] < 25 || contents[which].DataPtr[25] > 100)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
strcat(tempstring1, "%");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "FONT"))
{ chunkdesc("Font preferences", TRUE);
// 14 reserved bytes at start
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Type: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[14]));
if (uvalue == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (Workbench)");
} elif (uvalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (system)");
} elif (uvalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (screen)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Front pen: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[16]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Back pen: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[17]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Draw mode: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[18] == 0) // JAM1
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (JAM1)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[18] == 1) // JAM2
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (JAM2)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[18] == 2) // COMPLEMENT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (complement)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[18] == 3) // INVERSVID
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (inverse video)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
/* Now we have an undocumented pad byte, necessary for
structure alignment purposes. */
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Text attributes:");
strcpy(tempstring1, "Name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &(contents[which].DataPtr[28]));
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "INPT"))
{ chunkdesc("Input preferences", TRUE);
// The first 16 bytes are a keymap, currently ignored
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Pointer sensitivity: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " ticks");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Double-click interval:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Seconds: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[18]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Microseconds: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[22]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Key repeat delay:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Seconds: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[26]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Microseconds: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[30]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Key repeat speed:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Seconds: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[34]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Microseconds: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[38]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Mouse acceleration: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[42]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "OSCN"))
{ chunkdesc("Overscan preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Magic? ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[4]));
if (uvalue == 0xFEDCBA89) // OSCAN_MAGIC
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Horizontal start: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[8]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Horizontal stop: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[10]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Vertical start: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[12]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Vertical stop: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[14]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "DisplayID: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "View offset: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[22]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Text overscan size: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[24]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[26]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Standard overscan size:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Top-left corner: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[28]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[30]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Bottom-right corner: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[32]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[34]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "SCRM"))
{ chunkdesc("Screen mode preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "DisplayID: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Screen width: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Screen height: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[22]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Screen depth: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[24]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Autoscroll? ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[26]));
if (uvalue & 1) // SMB_AUTOSCROLL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PSPD"))
{ chunkdesc("PostScript printer preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ AddNameToTail(&List2, "Global attributes:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Driver mode: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[16] == 0) // DM_POSTSCRIPT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (PostScript)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[16] == 1) // DM_PASSTHROUGH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (pass through)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Paper format: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[17] == 0) // PF_USLETTER
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (US Letter)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[17] == 1) // PF_USLEGAL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (US Legal)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[17] == 2) // PF_A4
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (A4)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[17] == 3) // PF_CUSTOM
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (custom)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// now two reserved bytes
strcpy(tempstring1, " Copies: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Paper width: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[24]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Paper height: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[28]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Horizontal DPI: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[32]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Vertical DPI: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[36]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Text options:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Font: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (Courier)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (Times)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (Helvetica)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (Helvetica Narrow)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (Avant Garde)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 5)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "5 (Bookman)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 6)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "6 (New Century)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 7)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "7 (Palantino)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[40] == 8)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "8 (Zapf Chancery)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Pitch: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[41] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (normal)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[41] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (compressed)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[41] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (expanded)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Orientation: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[42] == 0) // ORIENT_PORTRAIT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (portrait)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[42] == 1) // ORIENT_LANDSCAPE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (landscape)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Tab stops: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[43] == 0) // TAB_4
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (4 characters)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[43] == 1) // TAB_8
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (8 characters)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[43] == 2) // TAB_QUART
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (quarter-inch)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[43] == 3) // TAB_HALF
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (half-inch)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[43] == 4) // TAB_INCH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (inch)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// now eight reserved bytes
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Text dimensions:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Left margin: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[52]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Right margin: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[56]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Top margin: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[60]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Bottom margin: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[64]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Font size: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[68]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Leading: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[72]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// now eight reserved bytes
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Graphics options:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Left edge: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[80]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Top edge: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[84]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Width: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[88]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Height: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[92]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " millipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Image: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[96] == 0) // IM_POSITIVE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (positive)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[96] == 1) // IM_NEGATIVE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (negative)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Shading: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[97] == 0) // SHAD_BW
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (black and white)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[97] == 1) // SHAD_GREYSCALE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (greyscale)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[97] == 2) // SHAD_COLOR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (colour)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Dithering: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[98] == 0) // DITH_DEFAULT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (default)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[98] == 1) // DITH_DOTTY
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (dotty)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[98] == 2) // DITH_VERT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (vertical)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[98] == 3) // DITH_HORIZ
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (horizontal)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[98] == 4) // DITH_DIAG
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (diagonal)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// now nine reserved bytes
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Graphics scaling:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Aspect: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[108] == 0) // ASP_HORIZ
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (horizontal)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[108] == 1) // ASP_VERT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (vertical)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Scaling type: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[109] == 0) // ST_ASPECT_ASIS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (aspect as is)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[109] == 1) // ST_ASPECT_WIDE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (aspect wide)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[109] == 2) // ST_ASPECT_TALL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (aspect tall)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[109] == 3) // ST_ASPECT_BOTH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (aspect both)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[109] == 4) // ST_FITS_WIDE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (fits wide)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[109] == 5) // ST_FITS_TALL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "5 (fits tall)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[109] == 6) // ST_FITS_BOTH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "6 (fits both)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// now one reserved byte
strcpy(tempstring1, " Centering: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[111] == 0) // CENT_NONE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (none)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[111] == 1) // CENT_HORIZ
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (horizontal)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[111] == 2) // CENT_VERT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (vertical)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[111] == 3) // CENT_BOTH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (both)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PGFX"))
{ chunkdesc("Printer graphics preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Aspect: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PA_HORIZONTAL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (horizontal)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PA_VERTICAL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (vertical)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Shading: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[18]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PS_BW
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (black and white)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PS_GREYSCALE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (greyscale 1)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // PS_COLOR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (colour)");
} elif (uvalue == 3) // PS_GREY_SCALE2
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (greyscale 2)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Image: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PI_POSITIVE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (positive)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PI_NEGATIVE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (negative)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Threshold: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[22]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Colour correction:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Red? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[24] & 1) // PCCF_RED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Green? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[24] & 2) // PCCF_GREEN
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Blue? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[24] & 4) // PCCF_BLUE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Dimensions: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[25] == 0) // PD_IGNORE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (ignore)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[25] == 1) // PD_BOUNDED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (bounded)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[25] == 2) // PD_ABSOLUTE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (absolute)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[25] == 3) // PD_PIXEL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (printer pixels)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[25] == 4) // PD_MULTIPLY
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (multiply)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Dithering: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[26] == 0) // PD_ORDERED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (ordered)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[26] == 1) // PD_HALFTONE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (halftone)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[26] == 2) // PD_FLOYD
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (Floyd-Steinberg)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Flags:");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[27]));
strcpy(tempstring1, " Centre image? ");
if (uvalue & 1) // PGFF_CENTER_IMAGE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Integer scaling? ");
if (uvalue & 2) // PGFF_INTEGER_SCALING
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Antialiasing? ");
if (uvalue & 4) // PGFF_ANTI_ALIAS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Print density: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[29]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (contents[which].DataPtr[29] < 1 || contents[which].DataPtr[29] > 7)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Maximum width: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[30]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Maximum height: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[32]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Offset: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[34]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[35]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PTXT"))
{ chunkdesc("Printer text preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Driver filename: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
// 32-character field, so it doesn't need truncation
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Port: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[48] == 0) // PP_PARALLEL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (parallel)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[48] == 1) // PP_SERIAL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (serial)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Paper type: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[49]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PT_FANFOLD
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (fanfold)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PP_SINGLE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (single sheet)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Paper size: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[51]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PS_US_LETTER
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (US Letter)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PS_US_LEGAL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (US Legal)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // PS_N_TRACTOR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (narrow tractor)");
} elif (uvalue == 3) // PS_W_TRACTOR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (wide tractor)");
} elif (uvalue == 4) // PS_CUSTOM
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (custom)");
} elif (uvalue == 5) // PS_EURO_A0
{ strcat(tempstring1, "5 (A0: 841x1189mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 6) // PS_EURO_A1
{ strcat(tempstring1, "6 (A1: 594x841mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 7) // PS_EURO_A2
{ strcat(tempstring1, "7 (A2: 420x594mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 8) // PS_EURO_A3
{ strcat(tempstring1, "8 (A3: 297x420mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 9) // PS_EURO_A4
{ strcat(tempstring1, "9 (A4: 210x297mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 10) // PS_EURO_A5
{ strcat(tempstring1, "10 (A5: 148x210mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 11) // PS_EURO_A6
{ strcat(tempstring1, "11 (A6: 105x148mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 12) // PS_EURO_A7
{ strcat(tempstring1, "12 (A7: 74x105mm)");
} elif (uvalue == 13) // PS_EURO_A8
{ strcat(tempstring1, "13 (A8: 52x74mm)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Paper length: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[53]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " lines");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Pitch: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[55]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PP_PICA
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (pica)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PP_ELITE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (elite)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // PP_FINE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (fine)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Spacing: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[57]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PS_SIX_LPI
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (6 lines per inch)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PS_EIGHT_LPI
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (8 lines per inch)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Left margin: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[59]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Right margin: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[61]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Quality: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[63]));
if (uvalue == 0) // PQ_DRAFT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (draft)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // PQ_LETTER
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (letter)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "SOND"))
{ chunkdesc("Sound preferences", TRUE);
// 16 reserved bytes at start
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Flash display? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[16]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Make sounds? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[18]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Type of sound: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[20]); // uword
if (uvalue == 0) // SPTYPE_BEEP
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Beep");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // SPTYPE_SAMPLE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Sample");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Volume: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[22]); // uword
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (uvalue > 64)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
strcat(tempstring1, "/64");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Period: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[24]); // uword
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (uvalue < 127 || uvalue > 2500)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Beep length: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[26]); // uword
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Sample filename: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[28]); // 256 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PTRN"))
{ chunkdesc("Workbench pattern preferences", TRUE);
// 16 reserved bytes at start
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Which pattern? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[16]); // UWORD
if (uvalue == 0) // WBP_ROOT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "9 (Workbench)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // WBP_DRAWER
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (window)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // WBP_SCREEN
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (screen)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[18]); // UWORD
strcpy(tempstring1, "Data contains pattern? ");
if (uvalue & 1) // WBPF_PATTERN
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Remap pattern? ");
if (uvalue & 16) // WBPF_NOREMAP
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Dither quality: ");
if (uvalue & 768) // these comparisons are order-dependent
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Best");
} elif (uvalue & 512)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Good");
} elif (uvalue & 256)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Poor");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Default");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Colour quality: ");
if (uvalue & 3072) // these comparisons are order-dependent
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Best");
} elif (uvalue & 2048)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Good");
} elif (uvalue & 1024)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Poor");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Default");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Layout: ");
if (uvalue & 12288) // these comparisons are order-dependent
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Scale well");
} elif (uvalue & 8192)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Scale");
} elif (uvalue & 4096)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Centre");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Tile");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Revision: "); // BYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[20]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Pattern depth: "); // BYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[21]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Data length: "); // UWORD
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[22]);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PNTR"))
{ chunkdesc("Pointer preferences", TRUE);
// 16 reserved bytes at start
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Which pointer? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[16]); // UWORD
if (uvalue == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Normal");
} elif (uvalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Busy");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Horizontal size: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[18]); // UWORD
if (uvalue == 0) // POINTERXRESN_DEFAULT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (default)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // POINTERXRESN_140NS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (140ns)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // POINTERXRESN_70NS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (70ns)");
} elif (uvalue == 3) // POINTERXRESN_35NS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (35ns)");
} elif (uvalue == 4) // POINTERXRESN_SCREENRES
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (screen)");
} elif (uvalue == 5) // POINTERXRESN_LORES
{ strcat(tempstring1, "5 (low resolution)");
} elif (uvalue == 6) // POINTERXRESN_HIRES
{ strcat(tempstring1, "6 (high resolution)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Width: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[20]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " pixels");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Height: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[22]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " pixels");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Depth: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[24]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " planes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Vertical size: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[26]); // UWORD
if (uvalue == 0) // POINTERYRESN_DEFAULT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (default)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // POINTERYRESN_HIGH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (high non-aspect)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // POINTERYRESN_HIGHASPECT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (high aspect)");
} elif (uvalue == 3) // POINTERYRESN_SCREENRES
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (screen non-aspect)");
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (screen aspect)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Hotspot coordinates: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[28]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[30]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PALT")) // ignored
{ chunkdesc("Palette preferences", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "AHIG"))
{ chunkdesc("AHI global preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Debug level: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (uvalue == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (none)");
} elif (uvalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (low)");
} elif (uvalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (high)");
} elif (uvalue == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (all)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (?)");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Disable surround sound? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[2]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Disable echo? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[4]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Fast echo? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[6]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Maximum CPU usage: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[8]));
svalue /= 1024; // LONG (Fixed)
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/64");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Clip master volume? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[12]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "AHIU"))
{ chunkdesc("AHI unit preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Unit: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[0]); // UBYTE
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// byte 1 is a pad byte
strcpy(tempstring1, "Channels: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[2]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Audio mode: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[4]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1); // perhaps this can be interpreted?
strcpy(tempstring1, "Frequency: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[8]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Monitor volume: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[12]));
svalue /= 1024; // LONG (Fixed)
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/64");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Input gain: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
svalue /= 1024; // LONG (Fixed)
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/64");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Output volume: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[20]));
svalue /= 1024; // LONG (Fixed)
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/64");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Input: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[24]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1); // perhaps this can be interpreted?
strcpy(tempstring1, "Output: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[28]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1); // perhaps this can be interpreted?
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "WBNC"))
{ chunkdesc("Workbench preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Default stack size: ");
uvalue = getulong(contents[which].DataPtr); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " bytes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Type restart time: ");
uvalue = getulong(&contents[which].DataPtr[4]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " seconds");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Icon precision: ");
uvalue = getulong(&contents[which].DataPtr[8]); // ULONG
if (uvalue == (ULONG) -1) // PRECISION_EXACT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "-1 (exact)");
} elif (uvalue == 0) // PRECISION_IMAGE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (image)");
} elif (uvalue == 16) // PRECISION_ICON
{ strcat(tempstring1, "16 (icon)");
} elif (uvalue == 32) // PRECISION_GUI
{ strcat(tempstring1, "32 (GUI)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Emboss rectangle: ");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Top-left corner: ");
svalue = getsword(&contents[which].DataPtr[12]); // WORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
svalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[14]); // WORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Bottom-right corner: ");
svalue = getsword(&contents[which].DataPtr[16]); // WORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
svalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[18]); // WORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Borderless? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[20]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Max. filename length: ");
svalue = getslong(&contents[which].DataPtr[22]); // LONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " characters");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "NewIcons support? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[26]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "ColourIcons support? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[28]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// remainder of these are new for OS3.9
if (contents[which].bytes > 30)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Image memory type: ");
uvalue = getulong(&contents[which].DataPtr[30]); // ULONG
if (uvalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Other memory");
} elif (uvalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Graphics (chip) memory");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Lock pens? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[34]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Title bar? "); // this is inverted
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[36]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Volume gauge? "); // this is inverted
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[38]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} } }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "WBHD"))
{ chunkdesc("Workbench hidden device preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, contents[which].DataPtr);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "LCLE"))
{ chunkdesc("Locale preferences", TRUE);
// 16 reserved bytes at start
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Country code: ");
strcpy(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[16]); // 16 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Preferred languages: ");
strcpy(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[16]); // 16 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " ");
if (i < 10)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, i);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcpy(tempstring1, ": ");
strcat(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[48 + ((i - 1) * 30)]); // 10 entries of 30 chars each
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Time from GMT: ");
svalue = getslong(&contents[which].DataPtr[348]); // LONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " minutes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Flags: ");
uvalue = getulong(&contents[which].DataPtr[352]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "CTRY"))
{ chunkdesc("Country preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ docountry(contents[which].DataPtr);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "RACT"))
{ chunkdesc("ReAction preferences", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Bevel type: "); // UWORD
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr);
if (uvalue == 0) // BVT_GT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (GadTools 2:1)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // BVT_THIN
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (ReAction 1:1)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // BVT_THICK
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (ReAction 2:1)");
} elif (uvalue == 3) // BVT_THIN
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (XEN 2:1)");
} elif (uvalue == 4) // BVT_THIN
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (XEN 1:1)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Glyph type: "); // UWORD
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[2]);
if (uvalue == 0) // GLT_GT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (GadTools)");
} elif (uvalue == 1) // GLT_FLAT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (Flat)");
} elif (uvalue == 2) // GLT_3D
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (3D)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Layout spacing: "); // UWORD
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[4]);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "3D Proportional? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[6]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Label pen: "); // UWORD
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[8]);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Label placement: "); // UWORD
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[10]);
/* This has been reverse-engineered
using the ReAction preferences editor */
if (uvalue == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (centre)");
} elif (uvalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (left)");
} elif (uvalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (right)");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "3D Label? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[12]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Refreshing Method: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[14]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Simple");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Smart");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "3D Look? ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[16]); // BOOL
if (uvalue)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Fallback font:");
dotextattr(&contents[which].DataPtr[18]); // struct TextAttr (8 bytes)
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Label font:");
dotextattr(&contents[which].DataPtr[26]); // struct TextAttr (8 bytes)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Fallback font name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[34]); // 128 UBYTEs
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Label font name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[162]); // 128 UBYTEs
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Backdrop pattern: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[290]); // 256 UBYTEs
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PRHD"))
{ chunkdesc("Preferences header", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Version: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[0]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Type: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[1]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Flags: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} } }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "SMUS"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "SHDR"))
{ chunkdesc("Global information for the score", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Tempo: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr);
uvalue = uvalue / 128;
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " bpm");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Volume: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[2];
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/127");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Tracks: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[3];
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "INS1"))
{ chunkdesc("Identifies an instrument to use", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Register number: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[0]); // UBYTE
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Reference type: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[1] == 0) // UBYTE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Find by name");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[1] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Find on MIDI");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "MIDI channel: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[1] == 1) // if find on MIDI
{ stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[2]); // UBYTE
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
} else strcat(tempstring1, "n/a");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "MIDI preset: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[1] == 1) // if find on MIDI
{ stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[3]); // UBYTE
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
} else strcat(tempstring1, "n/a");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Instrument name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, (STRPTR) contents[which].DataPtr + 4); // STRPTR
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "TRAK"))
{ chunkdesc("Linear stream of events", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "INST"))
{ chunkdesc("Obsolete; use INS1 instead", FALSE);
} elif (!stricmp(contents[which].name, "IRev")) // this could also perhaps be IREV
{ chunkdesc("Instant Music private chunk", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "BIAS"))
{ chunkdesc("Instant Music private chunk", FALSE);
} }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "HEAD"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "NEST"))
{ chunkdesc("Nesting level", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Nesting level: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "TEXT"))
{ chunkdesc("Heading text", FALSE);
} }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "WORD"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "FONT"))
{ chunkdesc("Font name/number table", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Number: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[0]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Size: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[1]);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Name: ");
strcat(tempstring1, &contents[which].DataPtr[3]);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "COLR"))
{ chunkdesc("Colour translation table", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Colour ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, i);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ": ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[i]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} } }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "DOC "))
{ chunkdesc("Begin document section", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Starting page: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Numbering style: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1, 2, 3...");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "I, II, III...");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "i, ii, iii...");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "A, B, C...");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "a, b, c...");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "HEAD"))
{ chunkdesc("Begin header section", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Page type: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "None");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Left");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Right");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Both");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "First page? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[1] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "FOOT"))
{ chunkdesc("Begin footer section", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Page type: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "None");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Left");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Right");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Both");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "First page? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[1] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PCTS"))
{ chunkdesc("Begin picture section", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Bitplanes: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[0]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PARA"))
{ chunkdesc("New paragraph format", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Left indent: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " decipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Left margin: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2])); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " decipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Right margin: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[4])); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " decipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Line spacing: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[6] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Single");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[6] == 16)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Double");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Justification: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[7] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Left");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[7] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Centre");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[7] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Right");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[7] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Full");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Font number: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[8]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Style:");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Underlined? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] & 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Bold? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] & 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Italic? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] & 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Extended? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] & 8)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " ColourFont? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] & 64)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcat(tempstring1, " Tagged? ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] & 128)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Miscellaneous style: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "None");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Superscript");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Subscript");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Colour: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[11]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "TABS"))
{ chunkdesc("New tab stop types/locations", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Position: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " decipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Type: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Left");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Centre");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Right");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[2] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Decimal");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PAGE"))
{ chunkdesc("Page break", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "TEXT"))
{ chunkdesc("Paragraph text", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PINF"))
{ chunkdesc("Picture info", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Width: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Height: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2])); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Page: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[4])); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "X-position: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[6])); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " decipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Y-position: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[8])); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " decipoints");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Masking: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (Opaque)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (Mask plane)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (Transparent colour)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (Lasso)");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Compression: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[11] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "None");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[11] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Byte run encoding");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Transparent colour: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[12] != 2
&& contents[which].DataPtr[12] != 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "n/a");
} else
{ stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[12])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[13]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} } }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "AIFF"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "MIDI"))
{ chunkdesc("Stores MIDI data", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "MARK"))
{ chunkdesc("Points to positions in the sound data", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Markers: ");
svalue = getsword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
markers = svalue;
if (markers > 0)
{ currentpos = 2;
for (i = 1; i <= markers; i++)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Marker ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, i);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ":");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " ID: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].name[currentpos]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += 2;
strcpy(tempstring1, " Position: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].name[currentpos]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += 4;
strcpy(tempstring1, " Name: ");
uvalue = contents[which].name[currentpos++];
// the number of characters in the string
if (uvalue < MEDFIELD)
{ strncat(tempstring1, &(contents[which].name[currentpos]), uvalue);
} else
{ strncat(tempstring1, &(contents[which].name[currentpos]), MEDFIELD);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += uvalue;
if (uvalue % 2)
{ currentpos++; // skip pad byte, if appropriate
} } } } }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "AESD"))
{ chunkdesc("Pertinent to autio recording devices", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "COMT"))
{ chunkdesc("Stores comments", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Comments: ");
svalue = getsword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// we could have a 'comments' variable, but we just reuse
// the 'markers' variable.
markers = svalue;
if (markers > 0)
{ currentpos = 2;
for (i = 1; i <= markers; i++)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Comment ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, i);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ":");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Created on: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[currentpos]));
DateTime.dat_Stamp.ds_Days = uvalue / 86400; // days since 1/1/78
DateTime.dat_Stamp.ds_Minute = (uvalue % 86400) / 60; // minutes in day
DateTime.dat_Stamp.ds_Tick = ((uvalue % 86400) % 60) * 50; // ticks in minute
DateTime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
DateTime.dat_Flags = DTF_SUBST;
DateTime.dat_StrDay = weekdaystring;
DateTime.dat_StrDate = datestring;
DateTime.dat_StrTime = timestring;
if (!DateToStr(&DateTime))
{ rq("DateToStr() failed!");
strcat(tempstring1, timestring);
strcat(tempstring1, " ");
strcat(tempstring1, weekdaystring);
strcat(tempstring1, " ");
strcat(tempstring1, datestring);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += 4;
strcpy(tempstring1, " Marker ID: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[currentpos]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += 2;
strcpy(tempstring1, " Comment: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[currentpos]));
// the number of characters in the string
currentpos += 2;
if (uvalue < MEDFIELD)
{ strncat(tempstring1, &(contents[which].name[currentpos]), uvalue);
} else
{ strncat(tempstring1, &(contents[which].name[currentpos]), MEDFIELD);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += uvalue;
if (uvalue % 2)
{ currentpos++; // skip pad byte, if appropriate
} } } } }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "COMM"))
{ chunkdesc("Fundamental parameters for the sampled sound", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Channels: ");
svalue = getsword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (mono)");
} elif (svalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (stereo)");
} elif (svalue > 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (surround)");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Sample frames: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Sample quality: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[6]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "-bit");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
/* This is an 80-bit IEEE 754 Apple-style (SANE) floating
point number (not yet implemented):
79 Sign
64:78 Exponent
0:63 Mantissa */
strcpy(tempstring1, "Playback rate: -");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "APPL"))
{ chunkdesc("Application-specific data", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Application: ");
strcat(tempstring1, contents[which].DataPtr);
if (!strcmp(tempstring1, "pdos"))
{ strcat(tempstring1, " (Apple II)");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "SSND"))
{ chunkdesc("The actual sample frames", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Offset: ");
uvalue = getulong(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Block size: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[4]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "INST"))
{ chunkdesc("Instrument chunk", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Base note: ");
svalue = getsbyte(&(contents[which].DataPtr[0]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 0 || svalue > 127)
strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Detune: ");
svalue = getsbyte(&(contents[which].DataPtr[1]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < -50 || svalue > 50)
strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Low note: ");
svalue = getsbyte(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 0 || svalue > 127)
strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "High note: ");
svalue = getsbyte(&(contents[which].DataPtr[3]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 0 || svalue > 127)
strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Low velocity: ");
svalue = getsbyte(&(contents[which].DataPtr[4]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 1 || svalue > 127)
strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "High velocity: ");
svalue = getsbyte(&(contents[which].DataPtr[5]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (svalue < 1 || svalue > 127)
strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Gain: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[6]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Sustain loop:");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[8]));
if (svalue == 0)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " No looping");
} elif (svalue == 1)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " Forwards looping");
} elif (svalue == 2)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " Forwards/backwards looping");
} else
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " ?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Begin loop: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[10]));
stcl_d(tempstring1, svalue);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " End loop: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[12]));
stcl_d(tempstring1, svalue);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Release loop: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[14]));
if (svalue == 0)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " No looping");
} elif (svalue == 1)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " Forwards looping");
} elif (svalue == 2)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " Forwards/backwards looping");
} else
{ strcpy(tempstring1, " ?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Begin loop: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
stcl_d(tempstring1, svalue);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " End loop: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[18]));
stcl_d(tempstring1, svalue);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} } }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "8SVX"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "ATAK"))
{ chunkdesc("Gives attack amplitude contour (envelope)", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "RLSE"))
{ chunkdesc("Gives release amplitude contour (envelope)", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "BODY"))
{ chunkdesc("Sound data chunk", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "FADE"))
{ chunkdesc("Fade away to silence", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Fade start: ");
uvalue = getulong(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "SEQN"))
{ chunkdesc("Multiple loop sequencing", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
currentpos = 0;
while (currentpos < contents[which].bytes)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Loop start: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[currentpos]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (uvalue % 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += 4;
strcpy(tempstring1, "Loop end: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[currentpos]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
if (uvalue % 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "!");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
currentpos += 4;
} } }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "CHAN"))
{ chunkdesc("Specified channel, or combination of channels", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Channel: ");
svalue = getslong(contents[which].DataPtr);
if (svalue == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Left");
} elif (svalue == 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Right");
} elif (svalue == 6)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Stereo (both)");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "PAN "))
{ chunkdesc("Stereo sound using a single array of data", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Sound position: ");
svalue = getslong(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/65536 ");
if (svalue < 32768)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "(left)");
} elif (svalue > 32678)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "(right)");
} else
{ // assert(svalue == 32678);
strcat(tempstring1, "(centre)");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "VHDR"))
{ chunkdesc("Playback parameters for the sampled waveforms", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "1-shot samples: ");
uvalue = getulong(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Repeat samples: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[4]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Samples per cycle: ");
uvalue = getulong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[8]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Sampling rate: ");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[12]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Octaves: ");
uvalue = contents[which].DataPtr[14]; // UBYTE
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Compression: "); // UBYTE
if (contents[which].DataPtr[15] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "None");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[15] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Fibonacci-delta encoding");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Volume: ");
svalue = getslong(&(contents[which].DataPtr[16]));
svalue /= 1024; // LONG (Fixed)
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/64");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} } }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "ILBM") || !strcmp(queryform, "ABCM") || !strcmp(queryform, "ANIM"))
{ if (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "CAMG"))
{ chunkdesc("Amiga display mode of a picture", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "ModeID: $");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "ANIM") && !strcmp(contents[which].name, "ANHD"))
{ chunkdesc("Animation header", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Compression method: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (set directly)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (XOR ILBM)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (long delta)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (short delta)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (short/long delta)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 5)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "5 (byte vertical delta)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 6)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "6 (stereo op 5)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[0] == 74) // not a typo
{ strcat(tempstring1, "7 (Eric Graham)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Mask: %");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Entire width: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[2]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " pixels");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Entire height: ");
uvalue = getuword(&contents[which].DataPtr[4]); // UWORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " pixels");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Width: ");
svalue = getsword(&contents[which].DataPtr[6]); // WORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " pixels");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Height: ");
svalue = getsword(&contents[which].DataPtr[8]); // WORD
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " pixels");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Absolute time: ");
uvalue = getulong(&contents[which].DataPtr[10]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/60 of a second");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Relative time: ");
uvalue = getulong(&contents[which].DataPtr[14]); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "/60 of a second");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Interleave: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[18] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (2 frames back)");
} else
{ stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[18]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, " frames back");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// now a pad byte (19)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Flags:");
uvalue = getulong(&contents[which].DataPtr[20]); // ULONG
strcpy(tempstring1, " Data length: ");
if (uvalue & 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Long");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Short");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Set/XOR: ");
if (uvalue & 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Set");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "XOR");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Info: ");
if (uvalue & 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "One info list for all planes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Separate info for each plane");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Run length encoded? ");
if (uvalue & 8)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Encoding: ");
if (uvalue & 16)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Vertical");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Horizontal");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Info offsets: ");
if (uvalue & 32)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Short");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Long");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// now 16 reserved bytes
} }
elif (!strcmp(queryform, "ANIM") && !strcmp(contents[which].name, "DLTA"))
{ chunkdesc("Delta compression data", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "DPI "))
{ chunkdesc("Dots per inch", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Dots per inch: ");
// There are 20 characters in the first column.
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "x");
uvalue = getuword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "CMAP"))
{ chunkdesc("Colour map data", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "BODY"))
{ chunkdesc("Image data chunk", FALSE);
} elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "EPSF"))
{ chunkdesc("Encapsulated PostScript representation of image", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Left X: ");
svalue = getsword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Top Y: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Right X: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[4]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Bottom Y: ");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[6]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "DEST"))
{ chunkdesc("Scatter bitplanes into a deeper destination image", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Source bitplanes: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, contents[which].DataPtr[0]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// next (1) is a pad byte.
strcpy(tempstring1, "PlanePick: %"); // UWORD
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "PlaneOnOff: %"); // UWORD
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "PlaneMask: %"); // UWORD
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "GRAB"))
{ chunkdesc("Locates a hotspot, when used as a pointer or brush", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Hotspot: ");
svalue = getsword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
svalue = getsword(&(contents[which].DataPtr[2]));
stcl_d(tempstring2, svalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "SPRT"))
{ chunkdesc("This image is intended as a sprite", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "Precedence: ");
uvalue = getuword(contents[which].DataPtr);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
elif (!strcmp(contents[which].name, "BMHD"))
{ /* UWORD w, h; 0-1, 2-3
WORD x, y; 4-5, 6-7
UBYTE nPlanes; 8
UBYTE Masking; 9
UBYTE Compression; 10
UBYTE pad; 11
UWORD transparentColour; 12-13
UBYTE xAspect, yAspect; 14, 15
WORD pageWidth, pageHeight; 16-17, 18-19 */
chunkdesc("Data necessary to understand the BODY chunk", TRUE);
if (!iff.raw)
strcpy(tempstring1, "Image size: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[0])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[1]); // UWORD
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "x");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[2])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[3]); // UWORD
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Position: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[4])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[5]); // WORD
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ",");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[6])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[7]); // WORD
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Bitplanes: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (LONG) contents[which].DataPtr[8]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// tell number of colours to user?
strcpy(tempstring1, "Masking: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (Opaque)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[9] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (Mask plane)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[9] == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (Transparent colour)");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[9] == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (Lasso)");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Compression: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "None");
} elif (contents[which].DataPtr[10] == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Byte run encoding");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
// Next (11) is a pad byte.
strcpy(tempstring1, "Transparent colour: ");
if (contents[which].DataPtr[9] != 2
&& contents[which].DataPtr[9] != 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "n/a");
} else
{ stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[12])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[13]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Aspect ratio: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (UBYTE) contents[which].DataPtr[14]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, ":");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (UBYTE) contents[which].DataPtr[15]);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Page size: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[16])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[17]); // WORD
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
strcat(tempstring1, "x");
stcl_d(tempstring2, (256 * contents[which].DataPtr[18])
+ contents[which].DataPtr[19]); // WORD
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} } }
if (!known || iff.raw)
{ for (i = 0; i < contents[which].bytes; i += BYTESPERLINE)
{ strcpy(tempstring1, "$");
hexalize(i / 16777216); // do 1st byte
j = i % 16777216; // remove 1st byte
hexalize(j / 65536); // do 2nd byte
j %= 65536; // remove 2nd byte
hexalize(j / 256); // do 3rd byte
hexalize(j % 256); // do 4th byte
strcat(tempstring1, ": ");
for (j = 0; j < BYTESPERLINE; j++)
{ if (contents[which].bytes > i + j)
{ hexalize(contents[which].DataPtr[i + j]);
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "##");
if (j % 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, " ");
} }
for (j = 0; j < BYTESPERLINE; j++)
{ if (contents[which].bytes > i + j)
{ if (contents[which].DataPtr[i + j] < ' ') // if an unprintable character
{ strcat(tempstring1, ".");
} else
{ length = strlen(tempstring1);
tempstring1[length] = contents[which].DataPtr[i + j];
tempstring1[length + 1] = 0;
} }
{ strcat(tempstring1, "#");
} }
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
} }
if (!known)
{ chunkdesc("?", FALSE);
( LV61_List2,
GTLV_Labels, &List2,
MODULE void chunkdesc(STRPTR desc, ABOOL isknown)
{ GT_SetGadgetAttrs
( TE61_ChunkDesc,
GTTX_Text, desc,
known = isknown;
MODULE void binarize(UBYTE data)
{ SLONG i; // must be signed
for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
{ if (data & (1 << i))
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0");
} } }
MODULE void hexalize(UBYTE data)
{ // Converts an unsigned byte into a hexadecimal string
// do the high byte
if (data / 16 >= 10)
{ tempstring2[0] = (data / 16) - 10 + 'A'; // must be done in this order to prevent overflow during calculation of the value
} else
{ tempstring2[0] = (data / 16) + '0';
// now the low byte
if (data % 16 >= 10)
{ tempstring2[1] = (data % 16) - 10 + 'A';
} else
{ tempstring2[1] = (data % 16) + '0';
tempstring2[2] = 0;
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
MODULE ULONG getulong(UBYTE* start)
{ return (ULONG) ((16777216 * *(start ))
+ ( 65536 * *(start + 1))
+ ( 256 * *(start + 2))
+ *(start + 3));
MODULE SLONG getslong(UBYTE* start)
{ return (SLONG) ((16777216 * *(start ))
+ ( 65536 * *(start + 1))
+ ( 256 * *(start + 2))
+ *(start + 3));
MODULE ULONG getuword(UBYTE* start)
{ return (ULONG) (( 256 * *(start ))
+ *(start + 1));
MODULE SLONG getsword(UBYTE* start)
{ return (SLONG) (( 256 * *(start ))
+ *(start + 1));
MODULE SLONG getsbyte(UBYTE* start)
{ return (SBYTE) (*start);
MODULE void writeiffgadgets(void)
{ // update the gadgets according to variables
( CB61_CD,
GTCB_Checked, iff.cd,
( CB61_RKM,
GTCB_Checked, iff.rkm,
( CB61_Obsolete,
GTCB_Checked, iff.obsolete,
( CB61_Private,
GTCB_Checked, iff.private,
( CB61_Proposal,
GTCB_Checked, iff.proposal,
( CB61_Reserved,
GTCB_Checked, iff.reserved,
( CB61_Standard,
GTCB_Checked, iff.standard,
( CB61_Unregistered,
GTCB_Checked, iff.unregistered,
GTST_String, queryform,
chunkdesc("-", FALSE);
MODULE void dotextattr(UBYTE* offset)
{ ULONG uvalue;
// handles TextAttr structure (8 bytes)
// name pointer is ignored
strcpy(tempstring1, " Height: ");
uvalue = getuword(offset + 4);
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, " Style:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Underlined? ");
if ((*(offset + 6)) & 1) // FSF_UNDERLINED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Bold? ");
if (*(offset + 6) & 2) // FSF_BOLD
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Italic? ");
if (*(offset + 6) & 4) // FSF_UNDERLINED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Extended? ");
if (*(offset + 6) & 8) // FSF_EXTENDED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Colour font? ");
if (*(offset + 6) & 64) // FSF_COLORFONT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Tagged? ");
if (*(offset + 6) & 128) // FSF_TAGGED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, " Flags:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " ROM font? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 1) // FPF_ROMFONT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Disk font? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 2) // FPF_DISKFONT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Reversed? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 4) // FPF_REVPATH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " HiRes non-interlaced? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 8) // FPF_TALLDOT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " LoRes interlaced? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 16) // FPF_WIDEDOT
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Proportional? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 32) // FPF_PROPORTIONAL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Designed? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 64) // FPF_DESIGNED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Removed? ");
if (*(offset + 7) & 128) // FPF_REMOVED
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes!");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
MODULE void docountry(UBYTE* offset)
{ ULONG uvalue;
// handles CountryPrefs structure (8 bytes)
// 16 reserved bytes at start
strcpy(tempstring1, "Country code: ");
uvalue = getulong(offset + 16); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Telephone code: ");
uvalue = getulong(offset + 20); // ULONG
stcl_d(tempstring2, uvalue);
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Measuring system: ");
if (*(offset + 24) == 0) // MS_ISO
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (Metric)");
} elif (*(offset + 24) == 1) // MS_AMERICAN
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (American)");
} elif (*(offset + 24) == 2) // MS_IMPERIAL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (Imperial)");
} elif (*(offset + 24) == 3) // MS_BRITISH
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (British)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Long date/time format: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 25); // 80 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Long date format: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 105); // 40 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Long time format: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 145); // 40 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Short date/time format: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 185); // 80 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Short date format: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 225); // 40 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "Short time format: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 265); // 40 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Numeric values:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Decimal point: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 305); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Intgr group separator: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 315); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Frac. group separator: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 325); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
/* Integer group size (10 chars) and
Fractional group size (10 chars): not strings (currently skipped */
AddNameToTail(&List2, "General monetary values:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Decimal point: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 355); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Intgr group separator: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 365); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Frac. group separator: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 375); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
/* Integer group size (10 chars) and
Fractional group size (10 chars): not strings (currently skipped */
AddNameToTail(&List2, " Digits after decimal point:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Intranational: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, *(offset + 405));
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " International: ");
stcl_d(tempstring2, *(offset + 406));
strcat(tempstring1, tempstring2);
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Currency symbols:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Large amounts symbol: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 407); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Small amounts symbol: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 417); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " ISO 4217 code: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 427); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Positive monetary values:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Positive sign: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 437); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Space next to sign? ");
if (*(offset + 447) == 0) // SS_NOSPACE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} elif (*(offset + 447) == 1) // SS_SPACE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Positive sign pos.: ");
if (*(offset + 448) == 0) // SP_PARENS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (parentheses around amount and symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 448) == 1) // SP_PREC_ALL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (sign is before amount and symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 448) == 2) // SP_SUCC_ALL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (sign is after amount and symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 448) == 3) // SP_PREC_CURR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (sign is before symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 448) == 4) // SP_SUCC_CURR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (sign is after symbol)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Currency symbol pos.: ");
if (*(offset + 449) == 0) // CSP_PRECEDES
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (symbol is before amount)");
} elif (*(offset + 449) == 1) // CSP_SUCCEEDS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (symbol is after amount)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AddNameToTail(&List2, "Negative monetary values:");
strcpy(tempstring1, " Negative sign: ");
strcat(tempstring1, offset + 450); // 10 chars
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Space next to sign? ");
if (*(offset + 460) == 0) // SS_NOSPACE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "No");
} elif (*(offset + 460) == 1) // SS_SPACE
{ strcat(tempstring1, "Yes");
} else strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Negative sign pos.: ");
if (*(offset + 461) == 0) // SP_PARENS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (parentheses around amount and symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 461) == 1) // SP_PREC_ALL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (sign is before amount and symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 461) == 2) // SP_SUCC_ALL
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (sign is after amount and symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 461) == 3) // SP_PREC_CURR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (sign is before symbol)");
} elif (*(offset + 461) == 4) // SP_SUCC_CURR
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (sign is after symbol)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, " Currency symbol pos.: ");
if (*(offset + 462) == 0) // CSP_PRECEDES
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (symbol is before amount)");
} elif (*(offset + 462) == 1) // CSP_SUCCEEDS
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (symbol is after amount)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, "First day of the week: ");
if (*(offset + 463) == 0)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "0 (Sunday)");
} elif (*(offset + 463) == 1)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "1 (Monday)");
} elif (*(offset + 463) == 2)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "2 (Tuesday)");
} elif (*(offset + 463) == 3)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "3 (Wednesday)");
} elif (*(offset + 463) == 4)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "4 (Thursday)");
} elif (*(offset + 463) == 5)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "5 (Friday)");
} elif (*(offset + 463) == 6)
{ strcat(tempstring1, "6 (Saturday)");
} else
{ strcat(tempstring1, "?");
AddNameToTail(&List2, tempstring1);
AGLOBAL void iff_die(void)
{ IOBuffer[19] = iff.raw;
AGLOBAL void iff_config(void)
{ iff.raw = IOBuffer[19];